Leena has just pointed me to a
site that aims to explain the difference between synthetic and natural
commonly called indigo).
This is an translation of a Japanese paper and in summary say that while the
synthetically derived
Ai ( Japanese Indigo) is chemically the
same as
natural ai the
bonds between the
natural are shorter.
Someone adding a
comment says that the
natural ai aggregates. This has an impact on the way it
behaves while bonding to textiles
and means that
natural ai bonds better , is less likely to be washed off and less likely I
think to crock.
Interesting piece of research!
Fascinating, and a wonderfully simple explanation of how indigo "works", complete with neat little hand drawn diagrams. (I hope it's correct - it does make it sound very easy!!) I am posting a link to the site on the Abergele Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers blog. Thank you very much, Helen.
Well it certainly makes a lot of sense and I agree with you the little diagrams tells you a lot.