On Monday, bank holiday Monday here in the UK and the last bank holiday before Christmas , the skies cleared and the garden was full of dappled autumnal sunshine.
We got up late. So we had Breakfast in the Dye Garden
Lythrum salicaria - purple loostrife behind
Lunch in the Dye Garden.
Lythrum salicaria the other way outside my studio -the original lot. The stuff by the pond planted itself there but I love it and so do the bees.
The Solar pots got to about 35 degrees C
and we heard a little splash and saw the Frog in our dear little pond.
He/she eyed us up without concern and went slowly under an overhanging ledge form where we heard a soft croak .
Many of the solar pots have ceased to develop colour much so soon I shall have an Opening and see what is there.
And finally my little fermentation vat is going at full steam ahead! Here is some teeswater I dyed in in it I stir it daily and add a teaspoon of washing soda if needed and it is fine.
A stormy week of projects
We've had 3 major snow storms in the past week. While I know other areas
of the province have loads more snow, we've had more snow than we've had in
3 days ago